The art of printing…
to the edge!

Book edge printing that transforms your pages into an experience.

Our endlress desire to offer innovative solutions to our clients, has led us to become the first supplier in Greece to offer edge printing on books. This state of the art process, allows you to print any image or logo or any other artwork onto the edges of books, offering almost unlimited potential to design.

Edge printing is a contemporary technique that opens up a whole range of new design opportunities and brings cover art into previously unimagined dimensions. The presentation of a product or fashion design can be clearly highlighted by a cover with printed edging.

Using the latest technology, a four-colour printing process applied onto the edges of the book creates almost limitless artistic scope. Whether you just want to colour your book’s edges, or “wrap” one image around the entire book, or give text impressive placement or even discreetly stretch the design on the cover, edge printing offers fascinating out-of-the-box designs.

Right Shadow

We’re so excited to announce our new book edge printing service and we would be happy to collaborate with you in all the steps, from your idea to delivery.

Right Shadow

Design in 
three dimensions 

and print beyond the limits.

Whether it’s a softcover, hardcover or even a flatbook, edge printing is compatible with all types of binding. Printing on round corners can even be applied.

Printed edges is the new trend, for their highly desired aesthetic. Not only does edge printing increase the value of your book, but it can also lead to increased sales, for these editions. No matter if this is the first publication or a special edition printing, edge printing is the perfect way to increase attention to your work and make your books stand out from the rest!!

Work Samples

with book edge printing

Be the first to apply

our new service

and stand out!